Official Sites

Bryan Winter

Doomtrooper Webring

Simon Hunter Mutant Chronicles' director

Warzone WebRing

Fictional Reality

Fantasy Flight Games

Begames Studio

Mutant Chronicles the Movie

Alex Horley

Peter Andrew Jones

Les Edwards

Peter Bergting

Digital Amigos

Stuart Beel

Jon Haward

Simon Bisley

Richard Wells composer

Lucio Parrillo

COG Games

Solo X Gioco

Dany Orizio

Alex Tornberg

Paul Bonner

Paradox Entertainment

Jamie Sims

J. P. Targete

Mattes And Miniatures


Communities & Forums

Mutant Chronicles Italian Club

French Community

Finnish Community

Deutsch Community

Swedish Community

Israeli Community

Polish Community

Czech Community

Spanish Community

Spanish Forum

Excelsior Forum

Yahoo Warzone english group

Yahoo Warzone spanish group

Another italian Warzone forum

Another Mutant Chronicles italian Forum

Czech/Polish Forum

Another Czech Club

Yahoo italian group dedicated to the new FFG game

Wargamer forum

Another spanish Forum

Bravenet forum

English Forum

Austrian Community Warfield 28

Warzone polish Forum


Doomtrooper & Dark Eden CCG Sites

English site with some homemades

Dark Simmetry

Dark Simmetry 2

French Homemade "Tortue géniale"


DarkSide italian site

Czech Site

Another Czech Site

Doomtrooper Polish Faq

Agarwaen's Faq

Swedish Site

Polish Site

Another Polish Site

Polish "Razyda" Site

Armeria di Skag

The Doomtrooper card trading page

Sgt. Carter's Page

Doomtrooper wikipedia

Doomtrooper Arena

Halakay's page


Mutant Chronicles RpG sites

Sinai Critter

Site with infos

Sebman background infos

Swedish adventures

French Site

Jan Setter deutsch Site

White Sand

El Padrino

Swedish "The Prey" adventures

Mutant Chronicles Compendium

Swedish Fan Site

Maxmillian's Mutant Chronicles

Arnold Cassell

Of Cathedrals and Cyberpunk

Darkness Campaign

Various Info

Le Monde de Leonora


Warzone & Boardgames Sites

MC's Fanzine & boardgame site

Warzone French Players

Siege of the Citadel site

Wargamer Polish site

Warzone & Chronopia deutsch site

Cavum Draconis

Three Musketeers

Gliwicka Strona Warzone

Bob Cat Warzone site

The Ratnest Warzone

Italian Warzone players

Callisto's Archives

Czech Warzone

Chribu's Site

The Bunker

Le Tombeau du Seigneur des Marches

Kampania Warzone 2.0 Ed.

Linia Frontu

Armor Cast



A Fistful of Razides



Imperial Strikes Back

Doomtrooper Empires


Our Lair

Hidalgo Trading Company

Cyclope's Forge

Siege of the Citadel by Parduz

Pliskin: Siege of the Citadel

Kimmo's corner

Lukke's Warzone



Images & Video Galleries

Rk Galery

Mutant Images

Mutant Images 2

Other images

Smagus Picture Gallery

Smagus Picture Gallery 2

Mutant Chronicles Teaser Trailer

Immagini Videogame

Warzone gallery

Rolf Mohr Gallery

Ackegard Gallery

Tornberg Gallery

J. P. Targete Gallery

Laurent Miny Gallery

Gaston Bros


Various sites

Coral Beach Center

Coral Beach Center 2

Czech site for CCG, Warzone & RpG

Play by Email Bob Cat Site

The Game of Life

Kapitan Weiss Site

Yaddle Club

Cybertronic command Center


MC Earth

Alakhai's Site

Play By forum


Bauhaus Palatz

DT: The Obsession

IMDb: Mutant Chronicles (2008)

Skin for phones

Richard Wells composer page 2